Adoption Discovery Depends on your Gifts and Donations!

Partner with Adoption Discovery to bring hope and provide opportunity for adoption to families from around the country. Your gift will help families adopt.

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Adoption Discovery 2514 Longcourt Circle SE
Atlanta, Ga 30339

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Your financial support ensures that Adoption Discovery can continue to transform lives.


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To speak with someone about making a donation please contact us at 404.914.1113

The Success Stories We've Seen

"...Wonderful program that without we would have been lost through this process!"

"We started with Adoption Discovery in September 2009 and finalized the adoption of our two children in May 2011. Thank you so much for the wonderful program that without we would have been lost through this process."

~ Kelly, Loretta, Logan & Mya!

Bringing Joel Home

"Oh how I wish we had known of these wonderful people sooner! Our process had bumps along the way but looking back, was such a blessing. The Lord brought our son home just 16 months after we began our adoption. While it felt like an eternity, compared to so many others, it was short lived. We traveled to Thailand in late September of 2009. It was like a dream."

~ Jason, Kam, Kennedy, Sydney & Joel!

One Step at a Time

"I had MANY questions throughout the months and every time I made contact with Adoption Discovery they were more than willing to help. They also followed up with me from time-to-time to see how things were going.
There are many up's and down's in an adoption journey and we are very thankful for all the help and support we received from Adoption Discovery."

~ Jimmy, Melissa, and Jackson

Congratulations Michael and Sharndra!


"We were so touched when other Adoption Discovery group members called and emailed to congratulate us on our finalization! Our adoption journey has been just as rewarding as the destination itself!"

~ Michael, Sharndra, Bayleigh, and Kyle

Adoption Made Our Family!


"We feel so deeply thankful for the support of (Adoption Discovery) during our process. The information provided not only helped us make an educated decision for our family, but was instrumental in helping us be on the 'same page' as a couple."

~ Kevin, Sharon and Kinzie

Journey to Josie


"I am so grateful for the ministry of Adoption Discovery. I strongly encourage anyone who is considering opening their home to a child in need to attend Adoption Discovery. It will change your family forever. I know it did for ours."

~ Andrew, Nicole, and Josie

We Ended Up Fostering 50 Kids And We Adopted 5!


"When we first started, we didn't know anything about international adoption versus domestic, private or even about foster care adoption. They really helped us through the class we could make an informed decision for ourselves."

"As we where going through the process, our first agency wasn't really a good fit and we got really discouraged and almost dropped the idea. But luckily, (Adoption Discovery) came up behind us and encouraged us to go with another agency.

"In over 15 years, we ended up fostering short-term and long-term 50 kids and we adopted 5! And now, we're one big happy family!

Joy in Baby September


"The Adoption Discovery group helped my husband and I greatly through the process of adopting our son. I referred back to the material I received from the class, and was able to contact our leader with any questions. I would highly recommend anyone considering adoption to attend a group provided by Adoption Discovery. "

~ Tim, Natalie and August Timothy

Adoption Discovery Gave Us The Tools We Needed


"The Adoption Discovery program did so much to prepare us for what we experienced working through DFCS. Thanks again and we look forward to working with you guys in the future to help other couples like us find their perfect child." 

~ Brian, Andrea and Maya Grace

A Year and Half Changed Our Lives Forever


"Words are absolutely meaningless to explain how grateful we are for all the help you have given us over the past year and a half! Just knowing that you did not want a dime from us gave us complete assurance that you would not feed us a string of hogwash."

~ Jon, Robin, Caitlyn & Hailey

Not Afraid of Tough Questions


"The Adoption Discovery classes fit right in with what we were experiencing. It seemed to work out that each week was either what we were going through, about to go through, or we had just gone through it and we were able to share with the others.They answer so many questions that people sometimes are either afraid to ask, or afraid to push for an answer. I would and already have highly recommended Adoption Discovery to many friends."

~ Joel, Carrie Ann & Josiah

One Door Closed, Another Opened


"Soon after a fervent prayer, we were called to tell us our profile was selected by a birthmother. We never talked to her…we never met. The truth is we expected another let down. There were months of waiting…months of silence. Convinced this too would fail, we started planning our “get-out-of-town” vacation. That’s when we got the call…1:30am March 7th…“wake up - are you ready – get to the hospital.” At 5:15am we walked into the labor and delivery room, and for the first time we laid eyes on the birthmother. She looked at us, smiled, and said “thank you, you are a blessing - here is your daughter."

~ Rick, Carey & Cara Faith

Can You Really Do It Too?

Adoption University has great audio and videos to educate and empower adoptive-parents through the adoption process. We have helped hundreds of families over the last 15 years to successfully adopt using these resources.

Adoption University is a tax deductible membership program that has been built and financially supported by past families who have already been through this process. It is our mission to continue to pay this forward by sharing this resource with as many future adoptive families as possible.

As a member, you will also have access to all of the links, funding resources and downloads we use to help you do a $0 adoption. Plus, when you finish all the courses, you will receive a certificate that you may be able to use towards your 'educational hours' for your adoption home study certification approval!

Contact us if you have any questions, comments or concerns.


61% of Americans Admit They Don’t Know Much About Adoption (or how it works...)


When given a basic quiz about adoption and foster care, the general public scored an average grade of C-

Adoption University will help you score an A+ on your adoption!

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